A.C.E. 2
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Complete Docs and pictures typed and scanned by The Riddler.
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
From the first version of FALCON released in 1987, our intention at
Spectrum HoloByte was to produce the most accurate flight simulator around.
When you fly FALCON you get a taste of what it's like to sit in the
"office" of one of the world's superlative modern fighter jets. However,
with success comes another set of problems. Everyone told us the game was
superb but suggested changes or new features to the game. To add value to
the game, we originally set out simply to supply a disk with additional
missions. While this seemed a good idea to start with, things soon got out
of hand. As we responded to the best suggestions, it rapidly became
obvious that what we were producing was virtually an entirely new game.
Although FALCON is still recognizable, we hope the improvements we've made
will provide its fans with many hours of new flying challenges.
Amiga version requires:
o 512k RAM minimum
1 megabyte RAM recommended
o KickStart 1.2 or higher
Atari ST version requires:
The Black Box feature, communications feature, and certain sound and
graphic enhancements (chaffs and flares) are only available with 1 megabyte
RAM. A jostick is option for both versions.
Before you start playing you should make a backup copy of your original
FALCON Disk 2. First, write-protect your original disk by sliding the
locking tab toward the edge of the disk. You can make a copy of the Amiga
Disk 2 by simply dragging the original Disk 2 icon on top of your backup
disk. (You can also make a backup of the Amiga FALCON Mission Disk 1). Use
a copy utility to backup the Atari ST Disk to to a single-sided 400k disk.
Keep two separate Disk 2's for the original Falcon and the Mission Disk.
That way you won't accedentally overwrite your pilot's record in one
campaign with the wrong mission.
The new Mission Disk replace FALCON Disk 1. Boot from the Mission Disk
(codenamed OPERATION: COUNTERSTRIKE). Then follow the screen prompts,
inserting FALCON Disk 2 when requested.
If you're on an Amiga, you can also load the Mission Disk from the
WorkBench by double-clicking on the icon labelled "Falcon_Mission." Just
type Falcon Mission if you prefer to run from CLI. Also, please note that
if you only have 512k RAM on your Amiga, you will need to disconnect your
second drive if attached.
If you have an Amiga with 1 megabyte RAM minimum, you can install the
Mission Disk to your Hard Drive. Double click on the "HD-Install" icon at
the WorkBench to install the game automatically. This will automatically
create a new directory on dh0: called "FalconMission". If you wish to
install the game to a different partition, you will need to run the install
program from CLI. Just type FALCONMISSION1: INSTALL partition: (Don't
forget the colon at the end of the partition name.) If you wish to
install to a directory on your hard drive, typo FALCONMISSION1:INSTALL
partition:directory/. (Don't forget the forward slash at the end for the
directory name.) As an example, type FALCONMISSION1:INSTALL DH1:GAMES/ if
you want to install the Mission Disk to DH1: in a directory called "Games."
CHAPTER 2: Missions
The key difference between these new missions and those found in the
original FALCON program is the overall mission framework.
OPERATION: Counterstrike
Objective: Total defeat of the enemy forces by destroying all the enemy
industrial and ground assets. Such major damage to its manufacturing
industry will force the enemy to negotiate peace terms and halt its
aggressive intentions towards the country whose freedom you are protecting.
the objective is not to invade and subjugate the hostile territory, but to
destroy the enemy's offensive potential and force him to recognize that
further hostile acts would be fruitless. The fate of the nation is in your
To complete this objective, your Falcon fighter is based at a forward
airfield on the edge of enemy territory. This airfield, while adequately
defended against air attack. is very vulnerable to enemy ground forces.
You must prevent the enemy forces from overrunning the base, but at the
same time attack the enemy industrial installations and eventually destroy
all such installations. Beware: if enemy ground forces reach the airfield,
you will be taken prisoner and possibly executed for "war crimes."
While every enemy target destroyed will contribute towards success in
Operation: Counterstrike, points are awarded for destroying specific
targets depending on which mission has been selected, just as in the
original FALCON. The following pages list the twelve missions you will
undertake and the hazards you will likely face. The map on the next page
will aid you in locating the mission targets. Note: Home base has a
waypoint of 0 (zero).
The numbers on the map correspond with the general area each of the
following numbered missions take place.
MISSION #1: Rolling Thunder
Waypoint: D1
Objective: Destroy at least three tanks
Effective weapons: AGM-65B Maverick
Mk 84 2000lb Bomb
The tanks move southwest from the south side of the lake, jsut northeast of
you, towards your home airbase. The T-80 tanks are immune to your 20mm
cannon, so be careful to preserve your ordnance. It is essential to destro
all the tanks in one mission in order to allow you to get on with the vital
strategic missins that remain. Operation: Counterstrike depends on always
being able to return to your own airfield.
As the tanks near your airfield, you will not be distracted by enemy
fighters. The Mig-29s will be driven away by your air defense umbrella.
You will be warned by ground control when the tanks are approaching
dangeroulsy close to your airbase. The F-16 map display does not indicate
whether there are any active enemy tanks. However, once you get airborne,
you'll soon discover the T-80's locations by the pyrotechnics of the land
battle as the fight their way forward.
MISSION #2: Water Sports
Waypoint: D2
Objective: Destroy at least three landing craft
Effective weapons: AGM-65B Maverick
Mk 84 2000lb Bomb
20mm Cannon
This mission easily combines with ROLLING THUNDER; the landing craft whould
be the next target once the immediate threat to your airfield has been
eliminated by taking out the tanks. here the cannon comes into its own
with strafing runs over the lake. The landing craft move southwest from
one side of the lake to the other. Once each landing craft reaches the
southwest shore, it unloads a tank. The landing craft is stationary while
the T-80 is disembarking and therefore far easier to pinpoint and atttack.
But, on the other hand, the landing craft has already delivered its cargo
and done its job. If you sink the landing craft on the lake, you get rid
of tank and landing craft in one shot.
Ground control will inform you when the landing craft reach the lake shore.
MISSION #3: Truck Interdiction
Waypoint: D3
Objective: Destroy the truck convoy
Effective weapons: AGM-65B Maverick
Mk 84 2000lb Bomb
20mm Cannon
The truck convoy supplies the enemy's attempts to attack the airfield.
Knocking out the convoy will provide some respite from the onslaught of
landing craft and tanks. The convoy starts out from the road in northern
enemy territory. The trucks travel west and then turn due south over a
river bridge and offload their supplies where the road ends near the lake.
Once you've found them, the trucks should be a piec of cake... but it's
very easy to botch a simple mission like this by concentrating too hard on
looking for the trucks and falling to a SAM or a MiG because you weren't
paying attention. Cut down relative motion by attacking forom straight
behind the convoy. Ground control will inform you when the trucks reach
the bridge, which will at least narrow down your search area. Once the
truck convoy reaches its destination, the ground forces are resupplied and
another convoy starts out from its starting point on the map.
MISSION #4: Train Interdiction
Waypoint: D4, D5
Objective: Destroy Train
Effective Weapons: AGM-65B Maverick
Mk 84 2000lb Bomb
20mm Cannon
Train busting is as old as ground attack. But from Sopwith Pups to F-16s,
the problem is the same; first find and then destroy a fast-moving target.
What's worse, this train is a pretty tough beast and won't be bothered if
you knock a few holes in its track. Taking out the first car won't bring
the rest of the train to a hal: you have to blow up each car of the train
individually. On the other had, most of the track is mercifully free of
SAM sites so you only have to worry about MiGs.
Like the truck convoy, stopping the train slows down the enemy efforts to
resupply its front line troops. This, in turn, takes the pressure off you
airbase and allows you to continue your longer-range missions. Ground
control will warn you when the train crosses the river bridge. Like the
trucks, another train will depart as soon as one reaches its destination.
Apart from the tanks themselves, these supply convoys are definitely near
the top of your agenda. If too many of these trains get through, you are
going to be fighting a losing battle against a never-ending stream of tanks
and landing craft.
MISSION #5: Wild Weasel
Waypoints: Various
Objective Destroy at least four SAM sites
Effective Weapons: AGM-65B Maverick
Mk 84 2000lb Bomb
20mm Cannon
This mission is a useful prelude to virtually all the remaining missions
since most of the strategic objectives are guarded by SAM sites. Carrying
the ordnance to deal with SAM sites (including a jamming pod if you can get
one) means that it is usually not practicfal to take out SAM sites and your
strategic target with the same weapon load. Therefore, for a clear run at
the target, take out the SAM sites beforehand and then come back before
they are repaired.
At Colonel level, be prepared for the SAM sites to launch SA-6 Gainfuls
despite jamming. With this missile's 80kg semi-active radar homing
warhead, the SA-6 can still do serious damage even if jamming throws it off
a bit. You need to destroy them before the lock on you. The only way
tofoil an SA-6 is to fly low, but then you'll have to watch for SA-7s.
MISSION #6: Serpent's Jaw
Waypoint: D7
Objective: Destroy road bridge
Effective Weapons: AGM-65B Maverick
Mk 84 2000lb Bomb
Why waste time trying to find the truck convoy? A much simpler solution to
the problem is to take out the road bridge that the convoy has to cross.
Unfortunately, SAM sits line both sides of the road leading to the bridge.
One possible course of action is to drive hard due west and then pull round
to take the bridge from behindf. The Maverick is probably the weapon of
choice here. With a fat, juicy target like this bridge, it should be
possible to take it out without sacrificing too much height or speed, thus
reducing you vulnerability to MiGs and SAMs.
Once this bridge is demolished, the trucks simply mill about in the
vicinity of the bridge and become sitting ducks for future missions.
MISSION #7: Serpent's Tail
Waypoint: D8
Objective: Destroy the rail bridge
Effective weapon: Mk 84 2000lb bomb
This big, solidly constructed rail bridge has been a real dilemma for High
Command for some time. High-level strategic bombing has failed to shift the
bridge, and light attack with A-10s and AV-8B Jump Jets have just bounced
off it. What's required is a couple of well-placed 2000 pounders around
the main span. Once again, this is a much more permanent way of stopping
the flow of supplies than taking out the train. The enemy can always get
another train, but the rail bridge will take some time to repair.
A high-precision dive bomb run is probably the optimum attack technique.
Fortunately, no SAM sites are adjacent to the rail bridge so you should be
able to get a clear run at the target. A heavy warload, however, is going
to make you a sitting duck for any MiGs. Fly there fast on full burner,
drop your load, and then look around for bandits.
MISSION #8: POL Mission
Waypoint: D9
Objective: Destroy all three fuel tanks at the oil
Effective weapons: AGM-65B Maverick
Mk 84 2000lb Bomb
"POL" stands for "Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants," and it's one of the
riskiest missions of the entire campaign. Since these three fuel tanks are
not arranged in a line, you will probably need two passes at the oil
refinery. Naturally enough, there are no less than four SAM sites in the
vicinity--two very close indeed. The oil refinery is the target deepest in
enemy territory so you will have to fight your way in and out. There are
also other SAM sites enroute so you have to choose your approach very
carefully. Still keen to volunteer? Good Luck!
Fuel supplies, of course, are vital to every aspect of the enemy effort,
from supplying fuel for fighters to keeping the tanks rolling. Taking out
this oil refinery will really hinder the efforts of the enemy.
MISSION #9: Wasp's Nest
Waypoint: D10
Objective: Destroy enemy landing strip
Effective weapon: Durandal anti-runway bomb
20 mm Cannon
Dealing with MiG-29s once they get into the air can be a dangerous problem.
The simplest solution is to prevent the MiGs from getting airborne. While
destroying the enemy airfield will not directly achieve your ultimate
objective, it will restrict enemy air activity and thereby make your
overall goal a lot easier to achieve. The airstrip is only out of action
when both runways have been cratered, although one Durandal at the
intersections will do the job. Watch out for the SAM sites just to the
south of the enemy airfield. It is definitely good advice to take the SAMs
out first.
Intelligence believes this airfield to be the launch site for a new
reconnaissance drone. If the drone makes it into your territory, it will be
used not only to spot friendly troop positions, but also to report back
directly via down-link to the enemy headquarters. Since the size of the
drone is too small is too small for radar detection, you'll have to rely on
a pair of sharp eyes for a visual sighting. Worse yet, since the drone
doesn't give off enough heat for a Sidewinder's tracking system, you'll be
forced to shoot it down with your 20mm cannon.
MISSION #10: Sledgehammer
Waypoint: D11
Objective: Shut down the tank factory by destroying any
two buildings.
Effective weapons: AGM-65B Maverick
Mk84 2000lb bomb
Your best plan of attack is to eliminate the two SAM sites west of the
factory first. As soon as you've disposed of the twin SAM threats, the
tank factory itself is next on your list of candidates for early
destruction. As soon as this target has been destroyed, you have
effectively ended the enemy threat to your airfield. The enemy will
obviously seek to repair the factory as rapidly as possible, so it's worth
a return trip every now and then.
MISSION #11: Thunderbolt
Waypoint: D12
Objective: Shutdown the power station by destroying any
two of the cooling towers.
The power station is a reasonably easy target once you get to it. It's easy
to locate just downstream from a river junction and any of those irksome
SAM sites nearby. As usual, though, there's a catch: getting to the target
is another matter. You have to thread your way between the SAM sites in
the swamp and those around the airfield.
Destroying the power station will halt all production throughout the enemy
industrial region until the power is brought back online. Such a vital
target is bound to be well-defended by enemy air assets so expect a bumpy
MISSION #12: Flaming Dart
Waypoint: D13
Objective: Shutdown the arsenal by destroying any two of
the four buildings.
Effective weapons: AGM-65B Maverick
Mk 84 2000lb Bomb
20mm Cannon
The simplest approach to this last mission is to fly due north at cruising
altitude. Then, as soon as you reach the end of the road, immediately turn
and begin your dive on the arsenal. With a little luck, you can bombard
the target with your air-to-ground weapons and be gone before the enemy
know what's hit them. The arsenal factory is a compact, small target area
so the Mavericks definitely look like the best bet. Only go with the 2000
pounders if (1) th crew chief lets you down, (2) you like really big bomb
craters, or (3) you're a plain masochist who likes dragging heavy weapon
loads for miles over enemy territory.
Once again, destruction of the arsenal will halt the flow of material to
the front and buy you valuable time.
CHAPTER 3: Strategy
Initially the key to success is survival. On your first sortie, you should
aim to destroy the tanks with Mavericks and then destroy the landing craft
with any leftover Mavericks and the cannon. As soon as you deal with the
landing craft and tanks, you should probably focus on one of the bridges.
After that, you've got a bit of a breathing room from the immediate threat
of losing the game and you can start to look at the strategic options.
The enemy tank stockoile is resupplied as soon as the landing craft reach
the shore. So if you allow all three landing craft to beach, you can
expect a steady stream of tanks to attack your airfield for the next few
missions. Therefroe, the first flight is absolutely vital to success or
failure. Blow it and you are likely to be in fra a very hard fight indeed.
If you "buy the farm," the positions of all the enemy units are reset. If
you want to continue from where you left off, you can choose a pilot with
the same name. The scenario continues from where you left off, but the new
pilot starts off from zero as far as points and medals go. If the scenario
is going badly, you can start from scratch by choosing a different pilot at
the Duty Roster.
An important point to bear in mind is how long the various targets stay
destroyed once hit.
Number of missions that the
TARGET Targets remain destroyed
Bridges 5
Factories 5
SAM Sites 3
Trains 3
Runways 2
Trucks 2
Landing Craft 1
Tanks 1
From this list, it can be seen that ultimate victory can be obtained by
merely picking off one of the four key industrial sites each mission. But
obviously should one mission fail, you could be faced with the factories
repairing themselves just as quickly as you destroy them.
Don't forget that even if you do cause a total industrial shutdown, you
could still lose if the enemy invades the airfield using the supplies that
are in the pipeline. After the airfield has been overrun and you have been
captured, the scenario is reset for you to have another try.
If you manage to achieve a complete enemy industrial shutdown when flying
at First Lieutenant or Captain rank, you will receive a Distinguished
flying Cross. If you complete your campaign at Major, Lt. Colonel, or
Colonel rank, you will receive the highest US military decoration, the
Congressional Medal of Honor. At all ranks, you will also receive 1000
extra bonus points times the rank multiplier.
CHAPTER 4: Awards and Points
The Ribbons and Medals described in the following are pictured in
Awards.Pic and Medals.Pic respectively.
Mission Merits
Rolling Thunder 1
Water Sports 2
Truck Interdiction 2
Train Interdiction 3
Wild Weasel 4
Serpent's Jaw 6
Serpent's Tail 10
POL Mission 10
Wasp's Nest 12
Sledgehammer 12
Thunderbolt 15
Flaming Dart 15
The Armed Forces recognizes acts of heroism by decorating its members with
medals. If you display sufficient merit, you can be awarded one of five
medals as a Falcon driver.
Purple Heart
The Purple heart decorates any member of the Armed Forces who is injured in
action. The first Purple Heart decoration was a simple silk or cloth
purple heart trimmed with lace. Today's medal has a profile of George
Washington in a field of purple.
Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC)
The Distinguished Flying Cross is given to pilots in recognition of their
outstanding achievement or heroism while flying. This medal was first
awarded to Charles Lindbergh by President Coolidge for Lindbergh's historic
crossing of the Atlantic in 1927.
To qualify for a Distinguished Flying Cross, you must:
1. Fly at First Lieutenant or Captain rank and cause total enemy
industrial shutdown; or
2. Successfully complete a mission worth more than 3 points without an
ALQ-131 jamming pod; or
3. Successfully complete a mission worth more than 3 points and
destroy two MiGs.
Silver Star
This medal was authorized in 1918 for the purpose of decorating Armed
Forces members who performed acts of heroism and gallantry agains an armed
enemy. The Silver Star is awarded for thos deeds not great enough to merit
the Medal of Honor.
To qualify for a Silver Star, you must fly at Major, Lt. Colonel, or
Colonel rank and:
1. Successfully complete a mission worth more than 6 points and
destroy two MiGs; or
2. Destroy four or mor MiGs.
Air Force Cross (AFC)
The Air Force Cross was established by Congress in 1960 and is awarded only
to those individuals who have performed acts of heroism against armed
enemies in a hostile environment.
To qualify for an Air Force Cross, you must complete the requirements for a
Silver Star at Lt. Colonel Rank or Colonel rank.
Medal of Honor
The Medal of Honor, sometimes called the Congression Medal of Honor, is the
highest award in the nation and is presented by the President of the United
States. The Medal of Honor is givento those members of the Armed Forces
who perform acts of gallantry "above and beyond the call of duty" agains
overwhelming odds and against an armed and hostile enemy. The medal bears
the head of Minerva, the Roman goddess of war.
To qualify for the Medal of Honor, you must fly at Major rank or higher and
cause total enemy industrial shutdown.
Points scoring for MiG kills, bomb hits, rank multipliers, bonuses and
medals remain the same as in the original FALCON game. The only change is
that if you defeat the enemy by causing a total industrial shutdown, you
will be awarded an additional 1000 points times your rank multiplier.
CHAPTER 5: Enhancements
As you can see, the Mission Disk features a totally different scenario for
FALCON drivers. In addition to the new landscape, targets, and missions,
the Mission Disk also makes some improvements to the original program.
Probably one of the most important changes is in the ease of landing.
First, the landing parameters have been made more generous. You can now
land off the center of the runway, for instance. You can even land a
damaged plane (as long as the damage isn't too severe!). Even better, the
MiGs will no longer follow and harrass you as you attempt to fly home. The
enemy pilots are too wary of your airfield air defenses. To balance out
the scenario, though, the enemy has upgraded their equipment from MiG-21s
to the more advanced MiG-29s.
FALCON pilots demanded better flight controls, and we've delivered them in
this version. Keyboard, joystick, and mouse controls have been rewritten
for easier handling of your F-16. The aircraft will automatically level
itself after a minor banking maneuver, although this can be toggled off by
pressing [Z] if you prefer not to have the plane auto-level. In
addition,the [D] key turns on the auto-view mode. If a MiG is nearby, the
plane will automatically switch views within your cockpit for the best look
at the enemy.
The radar and HUD have also been updated to reflect current F-16 avionics.
The Maverick missiles, for example, now display a correct "zoomed" image on
the pilot's head-down display. This magnified view of your ground target
will greatly aid you in your attempt to demolish it.
CHAPTER 6: F-16A Fighting Falcon
The General Dynamics F-16 first became operational in January 1979. Since
that time more than 2000 hvae been delivered from the production line,
which has more in common with a car factory than the usually more
pedestrian pace of aerospace. It is the US Air Force's front line Air
Defense Fighter backing up the aging Fairchild A-10 in the ground attack
(or mud mover) role. It has been exported to 16 countries with Japan
planning a heavily modified version dubbed SX-3. Future development
possibilities include an uprated "Agile Falcon" and an A-16 dedicated
attack fighter.
Engine: Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-200 turbofan; 23,840 lb
thrust on afterburner.
Length: 49 ft 4 in
Wingspan: 31 ft
Height: 16 ft 8 in
Weights: Empty 14,567 lb; Normal Take-Off 23,300 lb;
Maximum Take-Off 35,400 lb.
Max Speed: 795 kt (Mach 1.2) at sea level; 1,172kt (Mack 2.05)
at 40,000 ft.
Ceiling: 55,000 ft.
Sensors: Hughes APG-66 coherent pulse doppler look down/shoot
down radar.
Armament: Two wingtip missiles rails, 3 wing hardpoints and one
centerline hardpoint, one 20mm cannon.
The F-16 grew out of yet another attempt to produce a small, lightweight,
and low-cost dogfighter instead of the high-tech leviathans such as the
F-14 and F-15 which were then in vogue.
As usual, the initial plans grew a bit and the F-16 is not exactly small
and at $17 million, not exactly cheap. On the other hand, it is arguably
the best day dogfighter of all time. It has excellent all-round visibility
from the one-piece bubble canopy. Its fly-by-wire controls make it the
most forgiving fighter to fly. Some of the recent spate of crashes in
Germany, however, have been attributed to pilots "pushing the envelope" and
inducing high speed stalls. It is the first operational "unstable" aircraft
where the center of lift is in front of the center of gravity.
On the positive side, this allows the tail plane to provide lift rather
than downthrust. Also, on a stable aircraft, this stability provides some
inertia and hence resistance to any maneuver the pilot wishes to make.
Great for a commercial "coach with wings", this is a total disaster for a
On the negative side, the aircraft can only be flow by the computer which
can compensate for the unstabel configuration with constant signals to the
control surfaces. the pilot's control inputs go directly through this
computer; he is not directly connected to the flaperons and tailerons. So
if all the computers go down at the same time, it's time to punch out.
CHAPTER 7: MiG-29A Fulcrum
Codenamed "Fulcrum" by NATO, the MiG-29A first became operational with the
Soviet Airforce in 1983. There are now believed to be over 500 in service
in the USSR. India, Iraq, Yugoslavia, and Syria have also taken deliveries
with other countries such as East Germany and North Korea believed to have
deliveries on the way.
Engines: Two Tumansky R-33D turbofans; 18,250 lb thrust each
with afterburning.
Length: 56 ft 10 in
Wingspan: 37 ft 3 in
Height: 15 ft 6 in
Weight: Empty 22,500 lb; Normal 33,000 lb; Maximum 39,000 lb.
Max Speed: Mach 2.3 at 40,000 ft. Mach 1.1 at sea level.
Take-Off 118 kt.
Ceiling: 56,000; sea level rate of climb 65,000 ft/min.
Range: 1133 n.m.
Armament: Up to six AA-10 Alamo or AA-11 Archer missiles. One
30mm cannon.
Sensors: NO-93 look down/shoot down coherent puls-doppler
radar (54 n.m. range). Infrared tracker, laser range
finder and helmet mounted sight.
(All figures courtesy Mikoyan design bureau)
The MiG-29A represents a significant advance in SOviet air capability. In
size, it is slightly smaller than the US F-15 which tackles the same air
superiority/interception role as the Fulcrum. Cynics point out that this
aircraft and the similarly advanced Sukhoi SU-27 "Flanker" are simple
copies of the F-15 and F-14 respectively and their advanced radars come
from industrial espionage at the Hughes radar plant. Less jaundiced
observers suggest that similar problems coupled to similar technology
result in similar solutions.
The MiG-29A's landing gear is stressed to allow rough-strip operation, and
it has "doors" on the air intakes to prevent foreign object damage (fod)
from such airfields. Air is sucked in through louvers on top of the wing
while the doors are closed. It uses advanced materials such as composites.
Western observers at the Farnborough Air Show did comment on the rather
poor quality of finishing, suggesting that Soviet manufacturing techniques
at least still have some way to catch up with the West. The aircraft is
stressed to handle 9g positive loads. Perhaps its only failing as a close
range dogfighter is the relatively poor visibility from its canopy. The
"rear view mirrors" fitted to the plane betray this shortcoming, although
even this modification is a great improvement on earlier designs.
The AA-10 Alamo missiles come in three versions. Alamo A uses semi-active
radar guidance with a short burn rocket motor. Alamo B is similar to the A
but with an infrared seeker. Alamo C is similar to A but with a longer
burn rocket motor and hence weighs proportionately mor. The AA-11 Archer
has only recently entered service. Details of the performance of this
missile are very scarce at the moment, but it is believed to be a
close-range dogfight missile with an infrared homing head and a capability
similar to the latest Sidewinders.
The aircraft also represents a departure in marketing philosophy. Gone are
the days of "MiG diplomacy." If you want the Fulcrum, you'd better be
willing to part with hard cash as te Russians believe the MiG-29A is
comparable with anything the West has to offer at a similar price.
The T-80 is the latest Soviet main battle tank and has not yet been
exported out of the Soviet Union. Among other features, it boasts a
thermal imaging system similar to that in the M-1 and a gun stabilizing
system that allows it to shoot on the run with some accuracy.
Crew: 3
Armament: One 125mm gun, one 7.62mm coaxial machine gun;
one 12.7 mm AA (Anti-Aircraft) machine gun.
Armor: Heavy
Dimensions: Length including main armament is 32 ft 6 in (9.9 m);
hull length 24 ft 3 in (7.4 m); width 11 ft 2 in
(3.4 m); height 7 ft 3 in (2.2 m)
Combat Weight: 94,198 lb (43,000 kg) (47 tons)
Ground Pressure: 11.80 lb/sq. in. (0.83 kg/cm.sq.)
Engine: Gas turbine developing 985 hp (735 kW)
Performance: Road speed 46.6 mph (75 km/h); range 248 miles
(400 km); vertical obstacle 3 ft (0.9m); trench
8 ft 10 in (2.7m); gradient 60%